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Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Initially, I was going to alter my big question to how is our perspectives of others a reflection on our perspective of ourselves?  Sonnets, however, usually contain a subject pertaining to beauty, love, or admiration, so I knew that the closest concept to my original big question would be a sonnet about vanity.  With this in mind, I found this sonnet.

Could it be you admire your comely curves 
While in your room you gaze into your mirror? You know your figure must unravel nerves, So you value it, to you nothing is dearer; For hours you primp in timid preparation Of what might come to greet you for the night, But having done your hair and put your face on, No one there admires your enviable sight. The sight of you... and in the neighborhood You walk, and garner compliments from all; They say you bear yourself as all girls should, You being graceful, featured soft, so tall: But know you'd never have managed thus to rout me Had I been born with decent wits about me.

- Tom Rook

It mentions the vanity of a girl who prepares herself for a long time in front of a mirror, an object mentioned in my original big question.

This author has many more sonnets on this website.

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