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Saturday, January 25, 2014


interior monologue: form of writing that reveals the character's inner thoughts and feelings

inversion: words put out of order for emphasis

juxtaposition: placing a word or phrase to contrast another nearby

lyric: a poem in musical form or with musical qualities; an outburst of the author's thoughts/feelings

magic(al) realism: genre that mixes the everyday with marvelous or magical

metaphor: a comparison between two things

extended metaphor: a metaphor developed as long as the author wants it to be

controlling metaphor: a metaphor that runs throughout the entire work

mixed metaphor: a metaphor that blends two or more analogies ineffectively

metonymy: a technique where the name of an attribute of something is used in place of the name of that something

modernism: literary movement of stylistic experimentation and an interest in symbolism and psychology

monologue: an extended speech by a character

mood: the atmosphere evoked by a work of literature

motif: a recurring name, image, or phrase in a work

myth: a story that attempts to explain some of the world's mysteries or marvels

narrative: a story or description of events

narrator: the one who tells the story

naturalism: extreme form of realism

novelette/novella: short story; short prose narrative

omniscient point of view: the narrator knows all things, usually in a third person perspective

onomatopoeia: use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning

oxymoron: two contradicting words or phrases put together to produce a paradox

pacing: rate of movement; tempo

parable: a story trying to teach the reader a religious principle, moral lesson, or general truth

paradox: a self-contradictory statement that could hold some truth

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