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Monday, June 2, 2014


     I step into a classroom with CD cases on one wall and graffiti on another.  My first impression is that this room looks more like a performing and visual arts classroom rather than one where English Literature and Composition is taught.  I was a skeptic when the year first started.  You're giving me the freedom to control my education in this class? Yeah, right.  How will other students not take advantage if the situation? 
     I guess I should have had a little more faith in humanity, something that actually changed with this blog called Restoring Faith in Humanity that I discovered during a period of independent learning. My opinion about my classmates and my faith in humanity continued to be change as recent as last week as I noticed a common theme of helping others physically (physical therapy and Bless You bags), psychologically (inspirational comics and graphic novels as well as tools to be well prepared for high school on blog called ClassyU), and socially (the warrior zone and increasing school pride). I was going under the assumption of a childhood book that told children "If you give a mouse a cookie, he'll want a glass of milk," when I first began this class.  
     I can't speak for others about taking advantage of the classroom situation, but I can speak for myself.  I would be lying if I said that I was never tempted, but part of contributing an opinion to what we want for the structure and curriculum of the course is feeling a sense of obligation afterwards to fulfill the demands we made in class and follow through with what we say.

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