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Sunday, October 13, 2013

DEAR OPHELIA (with Vocab #8)

Dear Ophelia,
     It sounds like you're in a bit of a conundrum.  I will tell you this, though; love is not an abomination nor an anomaly in life.  If you are sure that your affections for this prince are not ephemeral, then do not be the saboteur of your own happiness.  I would advise you to make sure that he loves you.  Ask him if he was king whether or not he would be willing to abdicate himself from the throne for you.  Make sure he is worthy of you in that he doesn't abase you in public, reply brusquely to your innocent questions, or behave in a bellicose, rapacious, rancorous, or churlish way towards you.  Don't slip into the temptation of a debauchery by allowing yourself to make precipitous decisions.  If your father and brother detest your love, then there must be a reason why.  Ask them what it is, if you don't already know, and determine whether this reason is enough to end your relationship with him.  For example, if their reason is that he is just gauche, then this may not be enough for you to stifle what you feel.  Good luck with whatever you choose.

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