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Wednesday, October 30, 2013


"Filter Bubbles" TEDx Video

a) I learned that Facebook deletes people from your profile that it believes you don't want on there because you are more likely to go to another person's profile. I also never realized that the Internet basically replaced editors for spreading news to the public. I suppose this is because I can't remember a time without the Internet.

b) I already knew that Google uses filter bubbles to suggest sites that I am most likely interested in. This information doesn't make me think too differently about what I see online, except on how different other peoples' searches look, because it makes it is more convenient if Google predicts what links I may want. However, this could just be because I am not able to see what other options I have which may only appear on a different person's search.

c) It makes me wonder whether many years from now, the Internet will be able to predict possible future searches based on what you have looked at in the past, possibly even based on your personality type. I also wonder how many links there are on the Internet that won't be a result of my search, but they may be more beneficial to me than the other results.

d) For me to improve the effectiveness of my search, I am going to look at more than the first five links that result from my search. I will look at the results on the next couple of pages to make sure that I can get the best link for what I want and not what the Internet thinks I want.

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